Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Law of Opposites

We're here, yes we've made it to another day. On a average day a person complians 15 to 30 times. Seeing that a person complains 15 to 30 times in a day what did it do or accomplish? 

I'm sure some get a positive thought from compliant but for the most part it just makes you angry and anger has been proven to raise blood pressure, throw hormones out of whack and make for destructive chemical cocktails in our body that chop years off and sabotage us when trying to be more positive.  Your brain has made those road maps. Want to make new maps? Start workingon your reactions to everythingand everyone.

 Do you hate yourself? Losers talk about people winners discuss ideas and the same goes for complainers, they set themselves up subconsciously to lose with their addiction to the chemical reactions in their body and the body loves those vices and it will cause reactions once you've made them consistently. Or should we say those chemical explosion made by your repeated reactions have now become an addictive concoction and now your body craves it like a banker loves money!

Even when you're trying to be better yourself and do better things your body will force that chemical cocktail to sabotage your positive efforts. I have one word, DETOX! 

There are many reasons people complain. If it's a complaint we can think something better is possible, there is always a solution. 

We also like complaint to have something in common with another person but maybe we can find better things to have I'm common then a negative feeling that does nothing good for your combined life. 

When the so called justification for complaint happens let's just call it on its own b.s. it is usually something you don't have power to change or we could change it but unwilling to do so for many reasons that I don't care to mention. Just stop doing it! 

Let's check out the law of opposites. Anything negative that you can think of there is a positive! All problems you face you also have the opposite available ahhhh, a solution. 

Anything you complain about has the opposite waiting for use and your enjoyment. I could map it all out for you but you really need to do the work and take the action to get the benefit. See you on the opposite side of complaint, if not fuck off! 

Jimmy Peace

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