Wednesday, July 7, 2021

A pattern you crave

A pattern you crave 

We all have patterns and those patterns are like a gas pedal and a brake. No one feels like achieving their goals because we overthink everything. How do we get out of our heads and into action? It is easy you act immediately, that's right just do it as Nike put it! The more you wait the more your mind will stop you from accomplishing anything meaningful. See those patterns your doggy brain loves is like a squirrel to your tiny little doggy brain. You can fool rover by getting the hell out of your way and mind and just start acting on your thought! What is it that you really want? Say it! Go, Now and start doing it. 

You don't have to accomplish the whole dream in one sitting because that is insanity and not possible. Focus on it like you are building a building made out of bricks. You don't just throw up all the bricks at once you build it brick by brick but first, you make a foundation. The foundation is the plan; don't overthink it just a simple plan like I want a juice bar that mixes keto shakes with nootropics. Now start building and I don't mean make it complicated I mean simple, so simple your dog brain could treat it like it's the food in a bowl fuck that squirrel I am creating my destiny!

At this point we usually throw some obstacle in our own way, why? well because laziness feels safe and we get all comfy curled up in lazyass pillow and warm loving familiar blanket. Well, the blanket is a liar, and the pillow is a bitch that is just keeping you down. Get the fuck up and act, right now! not later, right the fuck now! You want a juice bar that has keto shakes with nootropics? Start making them at home go get the first ingredient that you need and get the next one then take those motivational fuckers home and break out the blender because your gonna take over the world with your healthy smart shakes. At this point, you might as well call yourself the "shake shack if you don't drink these you're fucked!." 

I can hear you now my life my kids my pets my feet hurt, And so the fuck what! No one is going to do this shit for you especially getting rid of that roll you have on your back that looks like ice cream pouring over your bra or boxers. You will have to do what you don't want to do like stop thinking donuts are a food group that you eat for breakfast. Basically, stop being lazy and take charge act immediately at everything you do. I am not talking about doing dumb shit either like you're crossing a bridge and you had a hard day and your brain says jump! I am talking about logical things you put off that would make life wonderous all the time if you would just start doing and acting like life mattered Action is your key to success so act on those dreams, brick by brick! 

jimmy Peace

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