Saturday, July 10, 2021


CRISPR is gene editing technology that is like a pair of scissors that can edit the genome. While many become sick from genetic mutations the human race is debating its importance. There should be no debating a technology that will benefit everyone on our planet!

The genome is the text and history within our body and now we have the tool to edit everything from the human body and plant genome which will advance us to a point were we can save trillions of dollars globally while protecting us from all diseases and famine. 

CRISPR can make our food drought and insect resistant which will eliminate the use of  pesticides and the over use of our finite resource we call H20. 

Imagine a world were children and loved ones wont have to suffer diseases and enjoy a healthy life until that one day we all pass to some other existence.

CRISPR will change and revolutionize the way we practice medicine. Big pharma will definitely be a huge opponent because they cant profit from it! It will change our society and society will benefit from using this great technology. It's just like a tv that never breaks down because it has the right components to keep it working. 

Imagine your child or parents contract cancer and their prognosis that leads to a death sentence. No one will receive such news that they will die in a certain amount of time. 

Do you want people you love and adore to suffer and die? CRISPR is the answer to eliminate these diseases and end our early death sentences and will eliminate those words from doctors there is nothing we can do. Do not let our government block or control CRISPR it is our right to live a healthy life and enjoy our 80 to 120 years on this planet as a healthy fully functional human being. 

Prof. Emmanuelle Charpentier is a MPI Infection Biologist in Berlin and thanks to her we have CRISPR. In her words we have the advantage to harness the power to help the evolution of life. 

Our genome is like the book of life. An incredibly long text with billions of letters. But sometimes you get typos: mutations. And they can lead to diseases. This is where CRISPR comes in. The molecule works like a pair of scissors that correct those typos and can alter the text of the genome.

Gennetisist around the world are exploring the possibilities of the new tool that works with plants, animals and humans. It can fundamentally change agriculture as well as medicine. For the vast growing sick children it will change their life allowing them to life a full life to not be cut short by disease that can prematurely end their life in their single digits or early adulthood. CRIPSR is the salvation for anyone with incurable disease. No one has the right to block such a technology because no one can give millions a death sentence based on their beliefs or profit margins. 

Seeing that we have the coronavirus hitting the world just imagine the human body not being affected by such dangerous viruses. We could make our bodies immune to these killers of mankind! 

The big fear is companies like monsantos that uses genetically modified foods. It is a very different kind of editing because they splice the plant genome with poison that are harmful to the human body. Yes that is insane to put poison in food we ingest so let's not link the good with the bad and call it the same. 

Genome editing doesn't have to be a sequence of putting harmful poisons in our food. It can do the opposite and make our plants and bodies function in a way that keep us healthy to live a full life and impact our food in a way that make them healthier for our survival as a species. 

There is no reason to fear such a technology as CRISPR due to the benefits it will bring to every human life on planet earth. It's a discovery that should be available to everyone because everyone has the right to live a healthy life free of disease and illness. 

Jimmy Peace 

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