Monday, July 12, 2021

Sexy Time Juice Made by Bulls.

Let's face it life can become very busy and with all the stimulants available on a shelf or in a cooler why not grab one to perk things up when you feel that mid morning or mid day crash?

I'll tell you the reason I personally suggest switching that tired ass routine or speed in a bottle. You can actually get the same result without the crash and your body will love you for it and so will your children and their children. Oh and if you're a teen how's limp dick sound? Not a condition you really want going into your 20s now is it?

Let's look at the high that you get from those sugar bombs, can you guess? Well its diabetes and it's best friend which is glucose. That sugar loaf spikes your blood sugar threw the roof and then you become insulin resistant. 

What is insulin resistance? and why does it cause someone to be diabetic? Let me explain it like this. Picture a glass of water. In healthy people that glass fills up with water which in this case is glucose and normally that glass cannot over flow because the insulin is forced into the body which regulates and uses the glucose. For imagined purposes were pretending that the glass is filling up with insulin and now the explanation is what happens when someone becomes insulin resistant and can't stop the glass from filling up and it overflows now you have the insulin not regulating glucose and it is going to other parts of the body which if you haven't figured out yet is a huge problem for your health and remaining healthy. 

Drink that energy drink but if you're not lifting 300 or more pounds at the gym you're causing your body harm, a lot of toxic harm!  I know they taste good, I guess! Some of those drinks are disgusting and do the opposite of what you really wish they were doing and they make you sick, I should say diseased over time! 

If you've been working your ass off take a break not drink red cum because that energy spike is very temporary and puts you on track for the 3 main killers which being diabetic gives you the fast track to meet the grim reaper decades before you time. 

I pick a healthy alternative like mold free coffee with MTC oil and butter I found out about bulletproof a month ago and I'll never go back to regular coffee! And if you don't know about bulletproof coffee it's mold free organic coffee that you mix with C8 MTC oil and grass feed butter and mix it in a blender. Don't melt the butter, blend it. In my bulletproof coffee I add collagen protein. I get more nutrients with my coffee then most people get from all three meals and snacks. At first I was like this is different and I had my wife tell me that sounds disgusting, guess what, it's not! I will never go back to the sugar drinks or something unhealthy, there is no reason. 

A few weeks after making coffee with MTC, butter and a mixer I tried what I used to drink at the gas station and it was disgusting, I could taste the mold in the coffee and it was like drinking vomit, eww! 

Ok I'm a little off track so hold the door for a healthier energy drink not sugar infusion or sugar water which will make your ass huge and give you man boobs. 

I'm not fond of bull cum to be honest. Fruit juices are nothing more then a sugar bomb and energy drinks are like a sugar nuclear bomb. Unless you're trying to kill everything in your body that keeps you healthy. Stop drinking the bulls sexy time juice! That is for the cows who wear lipstick and no I'm not talking about a woman. 

Energy drinks, soda, natural or artificial flavored along with fruit and pretty much all veggie drinks are just mixed with sugary stuff to fill space. It just doesn't have any benefits to your health. 

The only juice I know that doesn't spike your blood sugar to the moon is farmers Juice at farmers Juice. Farmers Juice will barely spike your blood sugar. Drinking all those other type of sugar drinks do one thing and that's spike your blood sugar. This is why millions of people around the globe are pre-diabetic and just a few years away from being type ll diabetic. 

Diabetes in general suppress most if not all your healthy hormones in your body.  Let me put it this way, when you drink that yummy kill yourself drink you think is ok well it is spiking your blood sugar turning your blood into glass shards that if you actually can still think after that sugar coma you are in, you'll feel a fog come over you that won't go away. 

Next time you decide to go grab that sugar drink maybe think about an alternative, your body will thank you for it and in a few days you'll be loving how you feel. And if you keep doing healthy things you might not die from a diabetic coma from bull cum or some other monster in a can! 

Jimmy Peace

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