Friday, July 9, 2021

I can see clearly now

When I was younger I was super unaware of almost everything. I was self obsorbed that most of the outside world didn't exist to me even though it was all around me and life was smacking people down everywhere. 

I have come such a long way but still consider myself an infant with awareness and maturity. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about awareness, maturity and what most think of as someone old, wise and no fun. Awareness and maturity has nothing to do with age and if you think you have it you probably don't!

Being mature has nothing to do with grumpy attitudes or getting a hard smack that life smacked you like a bitch a few times. It's just a form of awareness and awareness has several layers with everything, it's not singular by life experience and you're done, awareness is learned and you can learn it now and you will always be learning. 

It's not magic and bam you now know how to be aware as a human being.  It truly is paying attention in layers and then examining those layers to understand how they work to better any situation you live or will live! 

So this is my definition of having awareness, please forgive if I run on and on, I'll try to get to the point. 

In the beginning People become aware by paying attention even when it was happening naturally threw biology but awareness and it's many hidden layers can be learned and applied in every aspect of your life. 

Remember when you first became aware of something in your life that was right there the whole time and you never noticed it before? 

It's kind of like puberty where boys and girls were gross and all the of a sudden you were wanting to kiss them and hold their hand and they made the whole world feel fluffy like a cloud. At least  until they betrayed you by kissing someone else or just ended up not feeling you and ditched you or you ditchedthem. 

People learn surface awareness from a early age. By the way a fly has the same awareness so don't get to excited about being aware. 

We learn surface awareness through mistakes like impulse buying when you buy something you must have or you'll die then never use what was bought and when you really need 10 bucks for fuel and it hits you that the thing you had to have cost 50 dollars and it just sits there. 

Dating and having relationships and friendships with the wrong people brings surface awareness too, it usually stings more. It's like the first layer, basic with a variable but still basic.  Remember awareness has many layers but most people never go past that first layer. 

Seeing that most of humanity only lives on that first layer of awareness it makes sense why we can't solve many problems and have successful relationships. Awareness has several layers and people who have a vast awareness are called smart or genius. They all have one thing in common, multiple layer awareness. 

Those so called geniuses can see things in multiple layers from most angles and include variables to those layers while including all the many problems and obstacles "variables" that they seem almost psychic like. The funny thing about most fortune tellers "psychics" is they us a system that can predict any person with a map of their traits and life style choices by applying how they ask questions. Basically your answer tells gives them all the answers and then it's basic educated guessing on what fits which kind of works like multiple layer awareness. And no psychics are not aware or can really tell your future, it's just an example because we've all been gullible to believe a fortune teller at one point in our life or considered using one when we were kind of lost. 

One way to start developing multi layer awareness is but go past the service. Just look past the basic things and look around the situation. Then look at that situation and see the problems potential outcomes and basic structures needed to be successful in anything. You can do it like math if you want and basis you + the situation or person then equal the outcome. 

People ignore their awareness by letting their lust brain take over and talk themselves into eventually being stuck in a bad relationship or situation. Well making multi layer awareness part of your life and really getting to know yourself will prevent many horrible scenarios from happening in your life. 

First step is to see yourself clearly. I mean not the person you want to be but to just live in reality and list you as a person flaws and disgusting parts that hurt. 

Second step is see yourself as others see you, again you have to be honest. If someone you're close to tell you someone and you're not in an argument the odds are it might be true what they saying.

Third step is you have to see how all your actions impact others and yourself. This is critical because if you dont see this you'll never have self or situational awareness which can mean the difference in having a life of success or struggle. Seek out feedback from people that won't be biased become they love or hate you. 

Fourth step is to ask what not why. Why leads to unproductive thoughts as what leads to solutions that are productive outcomes. So instead of asking why did that go wrong and what could I have done to not have this happen at all. Sometimes those answers come in hindsight because it's 20/20 but by asking what you set yourself up I'm the future to ask the what questions heading into a situation or before you are in part of that situation that can have you make better decisions before hand and maybe not put yourself in that situation at all. 

Fifth step is to look at the viewpoints you favor and the conflicting viewpoints you don't. Be objective. Do not let your feelings be an obstacle or in the way of your awareness because looking at both side will get you multi layer awareness and it that kind of awareness that make super geniuses seem like super geniuses and do that magic that you also have access to in any situation. 

If you want to go deeper with this topic or debate me please write me 

Jimmy Peace

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