Tuesday, July 6, 2021


I often think about how on earth did humanity get to such a place in which we can't solve simple problems together. We can blame it on many things and people often do pointing fingers at the media, video games, violent movies, politicians or political radio, and political writings leaning one way or another. It's Obamas fault, right? I guess I can see how that could all seems true and I could blame along with you because it makes sense especially when information is reported out of context and just made up to keep the biased narrative going.

As a society, we seem to love being angry. Anger and rage seem to be the norm for most people these days and it seems to stem from things as simple as leaders and people following their ques. I don't know why but for some reason people stopped thinking for themselves which is really hard to do because we have generational thinking within politics and a biased outlook because great great grandpappy thought that way. Yes, some have evolved past what our parents parents thought which and that radical time took place in the 60s and 70s just to let you know the establishment won!  Drug-induced free thinking was hammered back to STFU we control things. 

I'm not saying freedom of speech doesn't exist because it does. What I'm saying is changing the establishment with freedom of speech has never happened or worse yet the hatred, anger, and rage have only allowed the radical ideas to change the government for the worst. I'm not anti-government just before you start thinking that I am. I am anti-asshole! 

So I'll start getting to my point by asking a few questions.

Why... just ask the question starting with "Do" and answer them with a yes or no then go back and answer them starting with Why do you...

Do you hate Democrats?

Do you hate Republicans? 

Do you hate people?

Do you want to destroy others that are different than you?

Do you feel you have more rights than others? 

Do you think you can change things with violence?

Do you dislike people because they're different?

Are you fearful when people are unfamiliar?

So now that you have answered the questions did look at the answers you gave. If you said no which you really should have said no to most of the questions asked. If not you are not thinking for yourself and more than likely have convinced yourself of a lie that has been told to you by someone that profit from your hatred for things and people that you fear will take over your life and that is stealing from you or that you think is nuts in some degree.

It is not your fault you have triggers that have been planted everywhere and those bombs or should I just call it what it truly is which is chemical reactions that you are addicted to like a rush of adrenaline and the feeling of cortisol rising and stressing out your body. Again it is not your fault and I understand the suspicions about whatever side you think is ruining your ideal utopia. It is ok to know who your enemy is and I am right there with you in hating those bastards, um who are they again? Really answer that for yourself. Is your enemy truly the enemy? Let us say politics is what sets your ass on fire and you want to lob chunks of fresh feces to show your disgust. Will that truly solve any problem? the answer is no and neither will acts of violence. 

Think of it like this, you belong to a political party and your mother belongs to the party you think will harm your way of life. Are you going to never talk to your mom or throw feces at her? Or are you going to see her for the holidays and give thanks every year? All those fears you have are valid but they are not true! You have been sold a distraction and lies to keep you from paying attention to what is truly going on and you did it by people that tell you lies for their own gain, and you were ready to kill mom, shame on you! 

The moral of this little story is to show you that taking responsibility and being accountable means don't feed your mind bullshit and lies and expect to ever have a positive peaceful life. Take ownership of everything in your life including the lies you bought that made you hate complete strangers because of something some for-profit talking head spewed out of their mouth because it makes them feel important. Don't hate mom because you want to live a lie get rid of the lie and love your mom and remember we all want to love a place called home. Keep this in mind 99% of everyone on earth wants the exact same thing you want love, peace, and security and if you don't want those things by not being responsible or accountable please remember I am anti-asshole so fuck you for hating mom, pussy!

Jimmy Peace 

P.S. Listen to the song Imagine by John Lenon I don't think anyone has ever said love and peace in a better way!

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