Sunday, August 29, 2021

The IRS and their criminal activities

 The IRS known as the Internal Revenue Service is as evil as they get. I'm not talking about God or Satan just the energy they project. The IRS ruins people all day long. They think we're their property some machine they can take from any time they want. The IRS has been in the business of stealing money for a very long time and they intimidate, harass and abuse their authority and power every second of every day. 

Recently I got the 1400 but with it received threatening letters that if I don't pay back taxes they'll take my property and garnish my wages. It is odd seeing that I am a can not pay status which last ten years but all of a sudden I get a check and they gotta break their own law. So within one money since receiving the stimulus I have got threatening letters from the IRS that they're going to take everything from me if I don't pay immediately which I don't have 10k laying around. So this stimulus check is just a form for them to harass me because they think they can. I also know the IRS isn't someone to mess with but I had an agreement with them and they are breaking it and threatening me. So I will be going to certain agencies to report them and will be posting their harassment online for all to see. I will call it how the IRS destroys lives. I will be reaching out to find others to get their stories unless I find an already established organization that fights the IRS abuses. 

Talk Soon,

Jimmy Peace

Tuesday, July 27, 2021



As a society we have certain norms and for the last 20 years since the movie the secret came out and everyone is grabbing onto invisible thinking in order to make money from from "the secret" It is a great business model seeing people ate selling invisible things with just a little bit of do this never do that coaching, books and online purchases of courses, pdf etc. The one main thing is be grateful for everything is out right toxic. Stop that shit! 

We have the be grateful for everything crown just to be grateful for everything, well why? 

 There are horrible things that happen to people everyday and I don't think their first response should be gratitude. 

What if their loved one died are you really going to say to that person to bypass thier grieving and pain from loss and move right to hey you should be grateful? I fucking hope not because that's toxic gratitude and you're an asshole for saying just be grateful! 

We could make a huge list of what toxic gratitude looks like and is but the purpose of this post is to teach the right way to be grateful without being toxic. 

If I get in an accident my first thought isn't to be grateful and say thanks for fucking up my car I appreciate you, it's like, fuck goddammit this sucks what a bitch! 

So anger is definitely something that you should feel in situations where anger is appropriate. 

The one thing I should add is if you're in a situation and you're angry and other people are involved just step back have a process I place to de-esecrate those emotions before you do or say something you regret that you might not be able to take back and can change your future forever. Lets count now 10, 9, 8, 7.... ohmmmm.  keep breathing and think of a pink elephant smiling at you named rainbow telling you that they love you, aww how can you still be mad after that. 

My point is even if the situation is complicated, complex and down right bullshit please take a minute and just step back for that state for your own good before you start lashing out and making horrible decisions, it is a proven fact that we drop 20 I.Q. points when we're under stress and anger is the something to the body so don't be a dumb ass. 

So after you have processed those emotions and feelings be grateful for what you learned or how no one got hurt or that you're still alive. Try to be optimistic if you can. Some situations just don't deserve a positive spin because they're deplorable in everyday possible. You can still be grateful after the fact on all the thing that could of happened didn't!

Sometimes pian is going to be the focus and it is completely fine to feel any emotions. It is how you project those emotions that matter because no one deserves your bullshit just because you had a shit day or of a bad situation you're in. Just be respectful and If you need someone to talk to ask for that human interaction it's that simple. 

Most things in life even the bad can add value to your existence and teach you something so look at it like that before you go off the deep end thinking it is the end of the world.

 Acceptance is one the best ways to handle any situation because when you have Acceptance of what is going on you no longer have resistance and can start thinking clearly and process the feelings and emotions in a healthy way in order to .always sound decisions which in some cases could save your life! 

When dealing with the death of a loved one first and foremost give yourself permission to grieve and feel that loss. At this point fuck gratitude because non of us should be practicing toxic gratitude for someone that died that you loved.

Feel the loss then celebrate their influence or the relationships that blossomed out of knowing that person just feel the love you had for them. After that if you're ready be grateful and give thanks. 

Be grateful show gratitude but never be toxic gratitude! 

Be Love,
Jimmy Peace

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Action all eyes on you

So no we're not making a movie, yes that would be fun but we're here to talk about the one thing you can do to get shit done. 

I'm sure you've guessed from the title this is about action but that word can mean so many different things to people. Most of us understand the basic meaning of the word: go, move, get that shit done. 

Why do so many people have many issues with action though? One person will do a lot of things but won't get much done which we call the wheel spinners. 

Then we have the ridged folks that no matter what happens no one will deviate from the plan and the tasks within that plan even though as they move thru the plan there might be better ways to do something and be more efficient. We'll call them tunnels as in tunnel vision. 

Next, we have the person that will take action but is all over the place getting hardly anything done even though they're taking action most of the day. We'll call them spreaders because they spread themselves too thin taking on way too much to get very little done. 

Last we have a super-focused person who prioritizes tasks, sticks to a mission and takes full ownership of their lives. These types can seem a bit mean but when they're focused they have something they must complete because their actions will determine the outcome of the company and that particular project so they do their best to make everyone else's job easier so those other team members can do their job to its fullest and peak potential. 

What type are you? Anyone can change you just have to manage your time. No one is perfect. I confess I'm not always organized but I do have a list of goals that I want to achieve and I work on them daily. When I need a break because I am overwhelmed or seem to not be focused I just take my mind off everything and focus on the now not my task or life or problems the now and nothing else. I also meditate which can be a huge help. Most successful people meditate so try it when you feel you have gone off track. 

We can always refocus ourselves by working 25 minutes then take 5 off. 
If you feel like you're doing a lot and not getting anywhere keep in mind you have tools available to you. 

Use the 80/20 rule. 
Basically, the 80/20 rule or the Pareto principle means is that 80% of your results come from 20% of your work. Now I know this isn't the case for many people and that can be flipping around or have different percentages for different people. 

What you're trying to get to is really focus on that 20% that brings most of the result that 80%. When you start achieving that you will start getting better results and having more time for yourself. 

You don't have to just leave it at the 80/20 you can do 90/10 or 95/5 which should be the goal. 
Do it with everything in your life. Really look at all the time you waste on your procedures and start cutting the extra nothing work. 

Let's look at Parkinson's Law

Parkinson's Law works like a shrinking machine per se but let's not! Basically, it works like this we as humans give a task a window of time to do a task, goal, or whatever it is we will take up that time even if we can get it done in less time we will waste time to fit the window of time we set to get that task done. The adage is that "work expands to fill the time available for its completion.

Parkinson's Law is about you cutting that time allocated to the task to get it done. It cuts the time in half. You just take the time to get the task done and cut it to an insanely short amount of time to get it done so who gives a fuck were already insane so let us be productive! We work in the time frames that we give ourselves a block of time to get any task done. Why not make it smaller and get more done in less time? You can cut all the fat using this Law which would be one way to get to the top of the company ladder or just get shit done faster in a shorter amount of time. And before you start saying who uses this law to be successful? well, I'll name two people.

Peter Thiel - Paypal
Jeff Bezos - Amazon

Both men took their 10-year plans and used Parkinson's Law to accomplish their 10-year plan in 6 months. Yes, you read that right 10 years shrunk down to and achieved in 6 months. I am sure many other successful people use this law every day that we will never hear about but make themselves much more money because of Parkinson's Law.

Parkinson's Law has often been coupled with the 80/20 rule to succeed. How can you go wrong with having a system that gets more done in less time while focusing on that 20 percent that reaps 80 percent result? 

Newton's Law of motion 

As you can see there are tools for how you do things, upgrade your mindset and just be better at achieving everything you want to get done. 

Law #1

An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion. You, your goals, your objective can use this law. Remind yourself next time you're procrastinating or doing busy work. 

Law #2

The second law states that the rate of change of momentum of a body over time is directly proportional to the force applied, and occurs in the same direction as the applied force. 

So basically if you are moving in a certain direction the more you move in that direction the more momentum you have. 

So next time you get depressed because you're not getting anywhere you might want to look at how often you take a goal your ideas and thoughts in a direction and have they been consistent? 

If they are all over the place this law will give you more of a chaotic pattern over a unified pattern that you can keep you building positive results because you stay true to the task at hand. 

Within this law, you have what is called constant mass which works like an accelerator and accumulation. 

The more consistent you are at anything the more your add to its mass. That mass could be anything, a goal an objective, etc, and the more you add to that mass "objective" the faster you start moving toward the completion next step. Success loves speed so get to know this law we'll if you seek success in anything you do. 

Law #3

The third law states that all forces between two objects exist in equal magnitude and opposite directions. 

Let's apply this law to a goal. If you do the above consistently you have that force happening but what happens if you stop and start doing nothing we'll with this law you have the opposite taking place which will make you move farther from your goal.

Let's talk about obvious hacks 

First, we have what we call distractions. With this said you would be surprised just how many people become their own distraction by the little things they don't even realize they're doing. 

Let's point to the elephant in the room, distraction. Oh, we all do it and for most of us, we jump right in because well work isn't always fun and all these distractions are fun or we would do them. 

What happens when distraction becomes a habit or an addiction that we crave that starts causing procrastination or worse neglect of one's work or self-care.

Here are some tactics that you can do to stop distraction from killing the side of life that keeps you housed, feed, and clothed and just might make you some extra money to go on that badass vacation you've always wanted to take. 

The morning routine should be one of peace and a slow waking process, not a bombardment of bad lighting and information you don't need to know during that precious time. 

You set your body up chemically and hormonal at the start of your day, so why throw it out of whack by doing things that will put you swimming against the current and throwing those bodily reactions and responses into a place that has them possibly doing the opposite of good. 

Leave your smartphone down. I suggest a normal alarm clock and use the phone's alarm as a backup. Don't look at the screen or check notifications it just makes you lose in so many ways. 

When you look at your phone you give yourself a dose of bad lights and emf that is and never will be good for your body. You are also throwing off your body's natural rhythm with the hormones it produces within the waking process.

Be like the farmer. I know you're saying to yourself wtf I don't want to get up that early and know I feel your pain because I don't like it either. I also don't want to die early because I thought I could have my cake and eat it too. I have to add this that were all different and your circadian rhythm might be different. No matter what it feels like naturally to you we have the power to reset it. 

You can blackout windows, use light therapy, etc but nothing will change the most healthy way to chemically and hormonally keep the body in balance more than your geographical locations light and dark pattern. That pattern is part of our DNA and has been developed as what the body really wants since the first human being. You might be able to biohack getting what you need but why spend all that money when you can do what nature has done for you naturally for free.

Murphy's Law

"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."
If I need to explain this to you umm Idk what to say.

Carlson's Law

Sune Carlson states that all interrupted work will be less effective. I am most people call it the flow state. It takes about 20 minutes to get into the flow state where the magic happens so if you are always getting interrupted how the fuck are you gonna get things done? 

Energy and places

Have you ever heard the places have energy? Well, they have whatever energy you consistently do in that particular space. Everything is all fucked up because we eat where we work where we sleep and relax where we try to be productive with side projects or planning. How the fuck are we going to get anything done with all that conflicting energy. Pick a place to work and work. Pick a place to relax and just relax etc.

I used to have a really hard time sleeping but I would go get in bed two hours before I was really going to go to bed. That was a really bad habit. I would after working on something or communicating with people or just scrolling social media. 

The blue light was not helping my body go to sleep actually it did the opposite and signaled my body that the sun has not gone down yet so I gave my body the go-ahead to stay the fuck awake for 2 to 3 more hours. One day I was so exhausted that I was like what the hell, why can't I seem to get deep sleep. I remember looking it up and it talks about what the blue light on the phone does to our body clock and how certain light signals the wake hours and the sleep hours. 

Later when I got into biohacking and listening to the bulletproof podcast he had many episodes on sleep. I was given a bag of crap about how we don't need to sleep and we can cut it up however we want, um bullshit and no that's a lie, and before you start talking their science that says you never have to sleep and you'll live forever.  I can find science that will prove that if you shove your head up your ass and fart you'll live to 120 or drinking your own pee, umm no! 

Get some fucking sleep and I am not talking about you waking up several times a night kind of sleep I am talking about deep sleep that repairs and heals the body like it was meant to. I no longer get into bed to do anything except sleep. guess what happens when I get in my bed? I fall asleep most days within 10 minutes and I am out cold. So remember that next time you are trying to do everything in one place because space has energy so keep those spaces and the energy you want to be focused on what you truly want to accomplish in or on that space. 

Illich's Law

This is the Law of diminishing returns. What does that mean besides the obvious? Well, the law is stated like this; Beyond a certain threshold, human efficiency decreases, even becoming negative. basically, he says to anything after 90 minutes is a washout you just don't get anything done. 

I have a problem with this because if you are like me and have ever been in a flow state time can seem nonexistent and 12 hours could pass by without stopping and you just wrote a book. So this law is ok to use but you'll never get much done in the conventional world stopping every 90 minutes. When you are in the flow state keep going. The point here is to take a break and I completely agree, if you feel as if you are hitting a wall take a break. 

The Pomodoro Technique

I mentioned this at the beginning of this post but I wanted to repeat it again. This is simple work for 25 minutes and take 5 off. You must go somewhere else that is completely different for those 5 minutes off. 
Remember with anything pay attention to your body sometimes you will be in the flow and be able to fly thru time like it's nothing and other times you are going to be hitting walls so take more breaks and maybe go outside for those breaks. 

Trim all the fat and schedule everything

4 brain types

We all have 4 brain types in our mind. We could go deeper and say we have a first brain and a second brain but that will have to be another blog article.

For now just look at the 4 brain types to know when you are in one of them which will give let you have better relationships with people because you'll understand how to communicate before you meet up with a person or why type you're in at any given moment.

Those are the four brain types which we all are I'm one of them throughout our day. If you are interested in neurology and how you can understand your own mind read this book.

Subscribe to my blog, I talk about being how to be empowered to live a great life. 

Jimmy Peace 

Monday, July 12, 2021

Sexy Time Juice Made by Bulls.

Let's face it life can become very busy and with all the stimulants available on a shelf or in a cooler why not grab one to perk things up when you feel that mid morning or mid day crash?

I'll tell you the reason I personally suggest switching that tired ass routine or speed in a bottle. You can actually get the same result without the crash and your body will love you for it and so will your children and their children. Oh and if you're a teen how's limp dick sound? Not a condition you really want going into your 20s now is it?

Let's look at the high that you get from those sugar bombs, can you guess? Well its diabetes and it's best friend which is glucose. That sugar loaf spikes your blood sugar threw the roof and then you become insulin resistant. 

What is insulin resistance? and why does it cause someone to be diabetic? Let me explain it like this. Picture a glass of water. In healthy people that glass fills up with water which in this case is glucose and normally that glass cannot over flow because the insulin is forced into the body which regulates and uses the glucose. For imagined purposes were pretending that the glass is filling up with insulin and now the explanation is what happens when someone becomes insulin resistant and can't stop the glass from filling up and it overflows now you have the insulin not regulating glucose and it is going to other parts of the body which if you haven't figured out yet is a huge problem for your health and remaining healthy. 

Drink that energy drink but if you're not lifting 300 or more pounds at the gym you're causing your body harm, a lot of toxic harm!  I know they taste good, I guess! Some of those drinks are disgusting and do the opposite of what you really wish they were doing and they make you sick, I should say diseased over time! 

If you've been working your ass off take a break not drink red cum because that energy spike is very temporary and puts you on track for the 3 main killers which being diabetic gives you the fast track to meet the grim reaper decades before you time. 

I pick a healthy alternative like mold free coffee with MTC oil and butter I found out about bulletproof a month ago and I'll never go back to regular coffee! And if you don't know about bulletproof coffee it's mold free organic coffee that you mix with C8 MTC oil and grass feed butter and mix it in a blender. Don't melt the butter, blend it. In my bulletproof coffee I add collagen protein. I get more nutrients with my coffee then most people get from all three meals and snacks. At first I was like this is different and I had my wife tell me that sounds disgusting, guess what, it's not! I will never go back to the sugar drinks or something unhealthy, there is no reason. 

A few weeks after making coffee with MTC, butter and a mixer I tried what I used to drink at the gas station and it was disgusting, I could taste the mold in the coffee and it was like drinking vomit, eww! 

Ok I'm a little off track so hold the door for a healthier energy drink not sugar infusion or sugar water which will make your ass huge and give you man boobs. 

I'm not fond of bull cum to be honest. Fruit juices are nothing more then a sugar bomb and energy drinks are like a sugar nuclear bomb. Unless you're trying to kill everything in your body that keeps you healthy. Stop drinking the bulls sexy time juice! That is for the cows who wear lipstick and no I'm not talking about a woman. 

Energy drinks, soda, natural or artificial flavored along with fruit and pretty much all veggie drinks are just mixed with sugary stuff to fill space. It just doesn't have any benefits to your health. 

The only juice I know that doesn't spike your blood sugar to the moon is farmers Juice at farmers Juice. Farmers Juice will barely spike your blood sugar. Drinking all those other type of sugar drinks do one thing and that's spike your blood sugar. This is why millions of people around the globe are pre-diabetic and just a few years away from being type ll diabetic. 

Diabetes in general suppress most if not all your healthy hormones in your body.  Let me put it this way, when you drink that yummy kill yourself drink you think is ok well it is spiking your blood sugar turning your blood into glass shards that if you actually can still think after that sugar coma you are in, you'll feel a fog come over you that won't go away. 

Next time you decide to go grab that sugar drink maybe think about an alternative, your body will thank you for it and in a few days you'll be loving how you feel. And if you keep doing healthy things you might not die from a diabetic coma from bull cum or some other monster in a can! 

Jimmy Peace

Saturday, July 10, 2021


CRISPR is gene editing technology that is like a pair of scissors that can edit the genome. While many become sick from genetic mutations the human race is debating its importance. There should be no debating a technology that will benefit everyone on our planet!

The genome is the text and history within our body and now we have the tool to edit everything from the human body and plant genome which will advance us to a point were we can save trillions of dollars globally while protecting us from all diseases and famine. 

CRISPR can make our food drought and insect resistant which will eliminate the use of  pesticides and the over use of our finite resource we call H20. 

Imagine a world were children and loved ones wont have to suffer diseases and enjoy a healthy life until that one day we all pass to some other existence.

CRISPR will change and revolutionize the way we practice medicine. Big pharma will definitely be a huge opponent because they cant profit from it! It will change our society and society will benefit from using this great technology. It's just like a tv that never breaks down because it has the right components to keep it working. 

Imagine your child or parents contract cancer and their prognosis that leads to a death sentence. No one will receive such news that they will die in a certain amount of time. 

Do you want people you love and adore to suffer and die? CRISPR is the answer to eliminate these diseases and end our early death sentences and will eliminate those words from doctors there is nothing we can do. Do not let our government block or control CRISPR it is our right to live a healthy life and enjoy our 80 to 120 years on this planet as a healthy fully functional human being. 

Prof. Emmanuelle Charpentier is a MPI Infection Biologist in Berlin and thanks to her we have CRISPR. In her words we have the advantage to harness the power to help the evolution of life. 

Our genome is like the book of life. An incredibly long text with billions of letters. But sometimes you get typos: mutations. And they can lead to diseases. This is where CRISPR comes in. The molecule works like a pair of scissors that correct those typos and can alter the text of the genome.

Gennetisist around the world are exploring the possibilities of the new tool that works with plants, animals and humans. It can fundamentally change agriculture as well as medicine. For the vast growing sick children it will change their life allowing them to life a full life to not be cut short by disease that can prematurely end their life in their single digits or early adulthood. CRIPSR is the salvation for anyone with incurable disease. No one has the right to block such a technology because no one can give millions a death sentence based on their beliefs or profit margins. 

Seeing that we have the coronavirus hitting the world just imagine the human body not being affected by such dangerous viruses. We could make our bodies immune to these killers of mankind! 

The big fear is companies like monsantos that uses genetically modified foods. It is a very different kind of editing because they splice the plant genome with poison that are harmful to the human body. Yes that is insane to put poison in food we ingest so let's not link the good with the bad and call it the same. 

Genome editing doesn't have to be a sequence of putting harmful poisons in our food. It can do the opposite and make our plants and bodies function in a way that keep us healthy to live a full life and impact our food in a way that make them healthier for our survival as a species. 

There is no reason to fear such a technology as CRISPR due to the benefits it will bring to every human life on planet earth. It's a discovery that should be available to everyone because everyone has the right to live a healthy life free of disease and illness. 

Jimmy Peace 

Friday, July 9, 2021

I can see clearly now

When I was younger I was super unaware of almost everything. I was self obsorbed that most of the outside world didn't exist to me even though it was all around me and life was smacking people down everywhere. 

I have come such a long way but still consider myself an infant with awareness and maturity. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about awareness, maturity and what most think of as someone old, wise and no fun. Awareness and maturity has nothing to do with age and if you think you have it you probably don't!

Being mature has nothing to do with grumpy attitudes or getting a hard smack that life smacked you like a bitch a few times. It's just a form of awareness and awareness has several layers with everything, it's not singular by life experience and you're done, awareness is learned and you can learn it now and you will always be learning. 

It's not magic and bam you now know how to be aware as a human being.  It truly is paying attention in layers and then examining those layers to understand how they work to better any situation you live or will live! 

So this is my definition of having awareness, please forgive if I run on and on, I'll try to get to the point. 

In the beginning People become aware by paying attention even when it was happening naturally threw biology but awareness and it's many hidden layers can be learned and applied in every aspect of your life. 

Remember when you first became aware of something in your life that was right there the whole time and you never noticed it before? 

It's kind of like puberty where boys and girls were gross and all the of a sudden you were wanting to kiss them and hold their hand and they made the whole world feel fluffy like a cloud. At least  until they betrayed you by kissing someone else or just ended up not feeling you and ditched you or you ditchedthem. 

People learn surface awareness from a early age. By the way a fly has the same awareness so don't get to excited about being aware. 

We learn surface awareness through mistakes like impulse buying when you buy something you must have or you'll die then never use what was bought and when you really need 10 bucks for fuel and it hits you that the thing you had to have cost 50 dollars and it just sits there. 

Dating and having relationships and friendships with the wrong people brings surface awareness too, it usually stings more. It's like the first layer, basic with a variable but still basic.  Remember awareness has many layers but most people never go past that first layer. 

Seeing that most of humanity only lives on that first layer of awareness it makes sense why we can't solve many problems and have successful relationships. Awareness has several layers and people who have a vast awareness are called smart or genius. They all have one thing in common, multiple layer awareness. 

Those so called geniuses can see things in multiple layers from most angles and include variables to those layers while including all the many problems and obstacles "variables" that they seem almost psychic like. The funny thing about most fortune tellers "psychics" is they us a system that can predict any person with a map of their traits and life style choices by applying how they ask questions. Basically your answer tells gives them all the answers and then it's basic educated guessing on what fits which kind of works like multiple layer awareness. And no psychics are not aware or can really tell your future, it's just an example because we've all been gullible to believe a fortune teller at one point in our life or considered using one when we were kind of lost. 

One way to start developing multi layer awareness is but go past the service. Just look past the basic things and look around the situation. Then look at that situation and see the problems potential outcomes and basic structures needed to be successful in anything. You can do it like math if you want and basis you + the situation or person then equal the outcome. 

People ignore their awareness by letting their lust brain take over and talk themselves into eventually being stuck in a bad relationship or situation. Well making multi layer awareness part of your life and really getting to know yourself will prevent many horrible scenarios from happening in your life. 

First step is to see yourself clearly. I mean not the person you want to be but to just live in reality and list you as a person flaws and disgusting parts that hurt. 

Second step is see yourself as others see you, again you have to be honest. If someone you're close to tell you someone and you're not in an argument the odds are it might be true what they saying.

Third step is you have to see how all your actions impact others and yourself. This is critical because if you dont see this you'll never have self or situational awareness which can mean the difference in having a life of success or struggle. Seek out feedback from people that won't be biased become they love or hate you. 

Fourth step is to ask what not why. Why leads to unproductive thoughts as what leads to solutions that are productive outcomes. So instead of asking why did that go wrong and what could I have done to not have this happen at all. Sometimes those answers come in hindsight because it's 20/20 but by asking what you set yourself up I'm the future to ask the what questions heading into a situation or before you are in part of that situation that can have you make better decisions before hand and maybe not put yourself in that situation at all. 

Fifth step is to look at the viewpoints you favor and the conflicting viewpoints you don't. Be objective. Do not let your feelings be an obstacle or in the way of your awareness because looking at both side will get you multi layer awareness and it that kind of awareness that make super geniuses seem like super geniuses and do that magic that you also have access to in any situation. 

If you want to go deeper with this topic or debate me please write me 

Jimmy Peace