Sunday, August 29, 2021

The IRS and their criminal activities

 The IRS known as the Internal Revenue Service is as evil as they get. I'm not talking about God or Satan just the energy they project. The IRS ruins people all day long. They think we're their property some machine they can take from any time they want. The IRS has been in the business of stealing money for a very long time and they intimidate, harass and abuse their authority and power every second of every day. 

Recently I got the 1400 but with it received threatening letters that if I don't pay back taxes they'll take my property and garnish my wages. It is odd seeing that I am a can not pay status which last ten years but all of a sudden I get a check and they gotta break their own law. So within one money since receiving the stimulus I have got threatening letters from the IRS that they're going to take everything from me if I don't pay immediately which I don't have 10k laying around. So this stimulus check is just a form for them to harass me because they think they can. I also know the IRS isn't someone to mess with but I had an agreement with them and they are breaking it and threatening me. So I will be going to certain agencies to report them and will be posting their harassment online for all to see. I will call it how the IRS destroys lives. I will be reaching out to find others to get their stories unless I find an already established organization that fights the IRS abuses. 

Talk Soon,

Jimmy Peace

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